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How many men, and womens of blue tiger?


Mitglied seit
04. Feb 2007
Hallo everybody :)

Im coming from Denmark and there therefore I would like to write in english.

I have a 12 liters akvarium I would like to have some Blue tiger shrimps in.. (Caridina sp. "blue Tiger")

Im thinken about to get 7 of these shrimps, but how many womens and how many men should there be?

Im thinking about 4 womens and 3 mens, what do you think??

/sorry about my bad english/

Best regards Jacob Lihn
Hi Jacob,

it is generally recommended to keep those shrimps in groups of 10 or more. I'd try to get 6 or 7 females and 3 or 4 males.

However, a 12-litre aquarium is a little small, especially if you want them to breed. Moreover, a larger aquarium tends to have more stable water conditions, which tigers need. They are very susceptible to bacteria and thus need quite soft water with a rather low pH of about 6.5 or even lower, which ensures a low number of germs.

Have fun,
Okay, thank you for your help.. I know someone who have them in a 12 liters and he breed them also, s? i didnt think its a problem...

Over 10 is too much I think.. I will start with 7 and maybe there also will come some youngs :)

Best regards Jacob Lihn ;o)
Hallo Jacob,

what want you do with 7 blue tigers?
Only for looking, or you want rear the blue tigers?
I find for so such valuable shrimps a 12 liter aquarium to small !
For rear ,
i think 2 men and 5 ladies are better.
Why you not want take a bigger aquarium?
You sure, that the blue tiger are real blue tigers,
how much you must pay for one?

Many greetings,
Also sorry for my bad english !
I will just look at them and maybe breed them, if they would like to do that :) (I have a breeding aquarium)

One of my friends has also these shrimps, and he have just made some youngs, and if I want some more later, I can buy some of him.

Yes it i really blue tigers, I can buy them for 7 euro.

I cant take a bigger aqarium because I have 7 aquariums a I cant have more :) Im just 15 years old and therefore I just have my own small room with all the aqariums.. :)

Best regards Jacob Lihn ;)
I think, if you want breed them,
take a bigger aquarium.
With a bigger aquarium you not have so much problembs with the quality of the water,
and the chance,
that you become more young generation is very bigger!
And not forget,one blue tiger=52 danish crown
This is a good pocket money ;)

mg, Andreas