Isaac García
Hallo an alle:
Sorry but I don't speak Deutsch (althoug I can understand some things). I'd like to introduce myself because I'm a customer reader of your forum but I've never posted here (becaouse of my lack of german language). I come from Acuavida, an spanish-speaking forum about aquaristics in generall. I'm a Crustaforum user too (I met Wolfgang, Ulli, Heike and Werner there). I have six tanks just now where I have several fish , snail, mussel and shrimp species (for example red cherries, hummels, CRS, ninja shrimp, Palaemonetes zariquieyi, A. desmaresti, tiger and some other). Maybe you could translate this into german (Ulli, Heike, please, if you see me it would be a great favour). I only have to add that you have a great forum with so much information and a large number of users. It's very interesnting to see your posts and pictures, and I follow you many days (in darkness but I'm there). And so, it's a pleasure for me to regirtering here at last.
Greetings from your Spanish friend!
Sorry but I don't speak Deutsch (althoug I can understand some things). I'd like to introduce myself because I'm a customer reader of your forum but I've never posted here (becaouse of my lack of german language). I come from Acuavida, an spanish-speaking forum about aquaristics in generall. I'm a Crustaforum user too (I met Wolfgang, Ulli, Heike and Werner there). I have six tanks just now where I have several fish , snail, mussel and shrimp species (for example red cherries, hummels, CRS, ninja shrimp, Palaemonetes zariquieyi, A. desmaresti, tiger and some other). Maybe you could translate this into german (Ulli, Heike, please, if you see me it would be a great favour). I only have to add that you have a great forum with so much information and a large number of users. It's very interesnting to see your posts and pictures, and I follow you many days (in darkness but I'm there). And so, it's a pleasure for me to regirtering here at last.
Greetings from your Spanish friend!